Happy 4th of July everyone!
Once again we have a lot of news to share with our Friends in the Brasstown Community.
Concert Series
Our Bluegrass Concert Series continues. This month we will have:
July 13 Brush Fire
July 27 Marshall Brown Band
The concerts begin at 7 PM. The doors open at 6 pm. Food will be available from our kitchen starting at 6 pm. Admission is $10.00 per person with children 12 and under being free. Be sure to try some of our homemade cobbler!
Our June Concerts were well attended. The money for admission as well as the profits from the food sales help us to pay for expenses necessary for the running our center. The concerts are our primary source of raising money to pay our electricity, gas, telephone, maintenance and repair bills(etc.) . We appreciate everyone who helps support us in this manner.
It is hard to believe that we are halfway through with our 2024 Concert series!
Community Pot Luck Dinner
Our Pot Luck Dinners are always on the third Tuesday of the month. This month it will held on July 16th at six pm. We would love to see you there. Pack up your family and your favorite dish to share with your community members. Its always a fun time to gather with your neighbors and enjoy a family style meal.
We had 45 community members join us for our June potluck dinner. It was good to see everyone that attended.
Food Pantries
As you may or may not know, the Brasstown Community Center partners with both Matt’s Ministry and the Clay County Food Bank and holds a food pantry in our center’s gymnasium bi monthly. Anyone in Clay or Cherokee County who is experiencing food insecurity is welcome to attend. Both organizations are aware that there has been a most significant increase in the price of food. Anyone who finds themselves in need of some supplemental food is encouraged to come to these pantries.
In addition to the food offered here at our pantries it should be noted that both these providers host food pantries in their facilities weekly. Matt’s Ministry holds a food pantry weekly at 123 WJ Cabe Road, Hayesville, NC on Saturdays from 9:30 – 11:30. Clay County Food Pantry is located at 2278 Hinton Center Rd, Hayesville. Their pantry is opened every Friday. Both organizations are non-profit, all volunteer organizations dedicated to helping residents who suffer from Food insecurity. If anyone is interested in making a donation to either of these organizations, I would be happy to provide you with the information. All gifts are tax deductible.
I would also like to express thanks to the Folk School. They frequently supply our pantry with garden fresh vegetables. Their lettuce is amazing! We appreciate their kindness in remembering our community in such a thoughtful and helpful manner.
Additionally we have a bread man, Mike Smith, who graciously provides us with a variety of breads, rolls, bagels, and often times some desserts. He is kind enough to deliver it to us the mornings of the pantry. We much appreciate his kindness and generosity.
Our Pantry on June 13th was attended by 35 people who selected food for 85 family members. Once again we had an abundance of food and personal hygiene products. Folk School provided us with quite a variety of fresh vegetables. Matt’s Ministry provided all the other food. We had a terrific group of volunteers who helped make things go very smoothly. A special thanks to Cindy and Bob Launch, Charlotte and Gary Majercik, Robin Alessi, Paulette Tonielli, Barbara Harrington, Carolyn Anderson, Joan Beccard, Sharon Hayden, Hoyt Zimmerman, Charlie Allison and Bill Gibson. We appreciate all your kind help!
Our second pantry of the month on June 27th, was sponsored by the Clay County Food Pantry. We had 40 individuals attend who selected food for 102 family members. Once again we had some super help from the following people: Barbara Harrington, Paulette Tonielli, Joan Beccard, Pat Raleigh, Sharon Hayden, Gary Majercik, Charlotte Majercik, Hoyt Zimmerman, Bill Gibson and Linda Snyder.
We found that we were in short supply of bags for our shoppers. Paulette Tonielli spoke to the manager of Dollar General in Peachtree about our dilemma and the Manager was kind enough to supply us with bags for our shoppers. This endeavor really does take a community to work well.
We also find we are currently in need of a couple of utility carts to help make it easier for our shoppers to comfortably shop. We have several mothers with small children and several senior adults who really benefit from a cart. If you have any used utility carts that you are no longer using and would like to donate them to our pantry, they would be most appreciated. You can reach me at 828 360 5058 to make arrangements to have them picked up. Thank you!!!
Our July Pantries will be held July 11 and July 27. Please mark your calendars so you wont forget these dates. If you and your family are experiencing food insecurity please plan to join us between 11:00 am – 1:00 pm.
Hope you all enjoy the rest of this summer!
Your Brasstown Crier,
Linda Snyder