Happy February All,
Hope you are all doing okay with the cold and snow of late! I did see some hope. The day-lilies in front of our Community Center are beginning to break through the ground.
I’d like to introduce you to our 2025 slate of Executive Board Members:
President: Hoyt Zimmerman
Vice President: Carolyn Anderson
Treasurer: Pam Cray
Secretary: Linda Snyder
Member At Large: Kellsie Patten
Administrator: Clay Logan
We have been busy planning events for our center. There will be more about that as the time approaches. I would like you to mark your calendars for our Poor Man’s Dinner. That is scheduled for March 30th. I’ll have more to share about that in our next newsletter.
Our next Potluck is scheduled for Tuesday, February 18th at 6 pm, weather permitting. If it should have to be canceled, I will be sure to let you know on the Brasstown North Carolina Community Facebook site. Hopefully we will be able to get out and enjoy each other’s company. Please gather up your family and your favorite dish and join us at the Brasstown Community Center.
Our Brasstown Community Food Pantry is continuing to be well attended and Manna has been supplying us with large supplies of food and assorted dry good. We are so fortunate to have the support of Matt’s Ministry and the Clay County Food Pantry who are partnering with us! We certainly appreicate their generous support. I continue to be grateful beyond measure to our many volunteers. Some volunteers show up to every pantry ready to arrange food and greet our shoppers. If you are experiencing food insecurity, please plan to join us. This month our pantries are scheduled on Thursday, February 6th and February 20th.
A couple of months ago we had to change our hours of operation. Because the Manna warehouse was destroyed by Hurricane Helene, they were forced to find another warehouse. Unfortunately for us the warehouse is further from us. As a result the truck is getting to us later than it used to. For that reason we now open at 11:30 – 1:00.
I am excited to announce that we have a beautiful new playground set put together and ready to be enjoyed by our little ones. Stop by and see it on a nice day. It is behind our building. It was purchased and installed by grants from Walmart and Grannie’s Attic. We appreciate their generosity. We also appreciate the Executive Board Members who worked hard on this project.
We have also been able to acquire an updated sound system for our gymnasium. We are planning several other upgrades for our building. We will have to apply for grants from some generous organizations. I’ll share more about these projects as they become forthcoming.
While we all miss Charlie Allison, we have a new custodian at our center. George Ervey has joined us. As a result, the gymnasium will be open from 8am-12pm daily when it is not rented. Welcome George!!
Wishing you all a very Happy Valentine’s Day!
Your Brasstown Crier,
Linda Snyder Gibson